Grave care at the cemetery is required in order to keep the burial places dignified and neat. Not all the relatives can regularly visit the necropolis. That is why graves become overgrown with wild grass, tombstones fall due to soil settlement, fences become rusty. For this very reason we offer the grave care services at the territory of necropolis. This is a perfect alternative for those who cannot come to take care of the graves by themselves.

We can help right now.

We work on the territory of Vyborg and Vyborg Region.

We will take all necessary actions

How do we take care of the graves

We are ready to take care of the burial place. Grave care in Vyborg and Vyborg Region is a paid service rendered by our company. Our professional employees who take care of the graves perform the following obligations:


Planting of flowers and taking care of the available cultivated plants


Removing weeds, which deteriorate the appearance of the burial place


Painting the fence


Monitoring the state of the headstone and the grave slab

Detailed care of the graves is performed in autumn and in spring. The service price depends on the scope of work performed. These issues are discussed in details with the customer.

You provide the exact location of the grave, full name of the deceased person, day-month-year of the first burial

We coordinate our work with you and issue the invoice with the comfortable payment method

We perform our work

We provide you with a photo report of the performed work

If you do not have time to take care of the graves of your close ones – get in contact with us

Grave care at the cemetery takes certain time and forces, but not everybody has the possibility to visit the burial places of their relatives and close ones every year. In order that the grave does not get lost in the area and looks neat and cared, it is important to control the plant status on its territory.

Grave cleaning can be performed by professional employees. For this purpose it is required to sign a contract. After receipt of payment, the graves are cleaned on a regular basis. Prices for these services can differ depending on the number of graves and their arrangement. This service will provide you with a guarantee that the grave of your relative does not look untended, as this offends the memory of the deceased one.

"Grave care" service is popular at large cemeteries. We offer it as well. The service will be convenient for residents of Vyborg and Vyborg Region, as well as for visitors from other regions.